Pay Your Rent

Pay Your Rent

How Tenants Can Make Payments Online
You can make a payment from anywhere.
Tenants do not need to login to TenantPay! Everything you need to pay is handled
through your own bank directly using online banking or by using the
Paytm app to pay by MasterCard, bank or cash.
What do I need?
Contact your Property Manager for your tenantpay number.
TenantPay numbers are 14 digits long and look like this: RNT10000345678
What do I do?
1. Log onto your OWN bank’s web site and add “TenantPay” as a payee.
2. Type in your TenantPay number provided by your Property Manager.
3. Make a payment.
Your bank’s web site will provide you with a confirmation number.
1. Download the Paytm Canada mobile phone app
2. Sign up for free
3. Look up and add “Tenantpay” as a biller from the Rent Category
4. Make secure no fee payments using your MasterCard, Bank or Cash
(get your MC points as well as Paytm points, if using your MC allow 5 – 8 days processing)
*Paytm Canada Is A Registered MSB Regulated By FINTRAC. Visit Www.Paytm.Ca For More Information
 Paytm Canada Application Allows Canadians To Pay Their Bills Using Multiple Payment Methods With Low To No Fees, Earn Points For Every Transaction And Make Peer-To-Peer Payments, Via Their Smartphone. (Payments To “TenantPay” Are No Fee)